Cleveland, Ohio – On Friday, October 6th, 2023, Professor Yuichi Ikuhara from Tohoku University visted CWRU to give a colloquium on Atomistic Dynamics of Deformation, Fracture and GB Migration in Oxides. See the abstract and Prof. Ikuhara’s bio below for more information.
In order to clarify the deformation and fracture mechanism in oxides such as AI2O3 and STO, TEM in situ nanoindentation experiments were conducted for their single crystals and bicrystals. We successfully observed the dynamic behavior of twin formation, twin-GB interaction, pile-up dislocation, jog and kink formation and jog drag dynamics and so on. The mechanism of each dynamic behavior will be discussed in detail in this presentation. GB migration plays an important role in considering the high temperature mechanical properties. Recently, we have found that GI migration behavior in AI2O3 can be precisely controlled by the aid of the high-energy electron beam irradiation. This technique was applied to directly visualize the atomistic GB migration. It was revealed that the GB migration is processed by a cooperative shuffling of atoms in GB ledges along specific routes.

Yuichi Ikuhara is Professor and Director of the Nanotechnology Center, Institute of Engineering Innovation at University of Tokyo since 2003. He received his Dr.Eng. from the Department of Materials Sciences, Kyushu University. He then joined Japan Fine Ceramics Center (JFCC) in 1988, and was the Microstructure Characterization Division Manager at JFCC from 1993. In 1996, he joined University of Tokyo as an associate professor of Materials Sciences. He was a visiting assistant professor at Case Western Reserve University from 1991 to 1993.
His current research interest is in interface and grain boundary phenomena, advanced transmission electron microscopy (STEM, HREM, EDS, EELS), high-temperature ceramics, electroceramics, dislocation technology, phase transformation, theoretical calculations and other areas. Dr. Ikuhara is the author and coauthor of about 600 scientific original papers in the field, and has more than 250 invited talks at international and domestic conferences.
He received the prize for Science and Technology (Research category) from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and of Japan (2013), โHumboldt Research Awardโ from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2010), โHonda Frontier Prizeโ from Honda Foundation (2010), โSeto Prizeโ from Microscopy Society of Japan (2007), โRoss Coffin Purdy Awardโ (2008) and โFulrath Award (Academic) (2002)โ from The American Ceramic Society, โAcademic Prizeโ from the Ceramics Society of Japan (2001), โExploits Awardsโ from the Japan Institute of Metals (2001) and others. He is a Fellow of The American Ceramic Society (2011), member of World Ceramic Academy (2014), and an associate member of the Science Council of Japan. He holds a group leader position at JFCC and WPI professor at Tohoku University concurrently.